Sunday, December 29, 2013

Last Sunday Social of 2013!

Happy last Sunday of 2013!
I cannot believe that in just a few days we will be saying adios to 2013 and hola to 2014. This year has flown by and I feel like I've hardly had time to think.
I am linking up with Ashley and Neely for another Sunday Social.
1. What is the best New Years Eve you’ve ever had? Honestly, I haven't had too many great New Year's Eve's. None actually. They usually consist of me being in bed way before midnight, or fighting with my boyfriend or my boyfriend leaving me a party of complete strangers. Nothing to write home about. I would love to have a NYE in which I get all sorts of fancy dressed up and go out to a dinner and fancy party.

2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what? I haven't made any plans yet. I probably won't as I have to work that day until 5 and my son will be with me.

3. Name a book we should all read come January? The bible (if you're a Christian) I think everyone who believes in Jesus Christ should read the entire bible once in their life. I have the Busy Mom's Bible and I think it's really great. In addition to the actual text of the Bible, it has cards that are, like, one minute pick-me-ups.

4. What are your new years resolutions? Oh, there are so many. I mentioned in a post the other day that I would like to focus more on organizing my life, so that is a resolution. Also, I would like become healthier. I'm making it broad because it is. I want to be more active, eat better, take my vitamins, work on my emotional and mental health. All of it. And lastly, I want to focus more on my blogs and really invest time into them.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday, a great New Year's Eve and, until we meet again, an amazing 2014.

Please visit my new blog Imperfectly Healthy where I will be chronicling my journey for better health!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013 Happies & Crappies

Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. My son had an amazing Christmas, therefore, so did I.
But, like everyone else, I always look back at what went fabulous and what could have gone a little more smoothly. I know that as a mother, we're the only ones who stress about all the details and in the end all that really matters, so I wasn't stressed because we made store bought cookies for Santa instead of made from scratch ones. That really doesn't matter to me. Santa doesn't differentiate. ;)
You'll see what I mean as you continue reading.

with the Vintage Modern Wife and Brunch With Amber
1. I wish I had done a budget. Before I even started shopping I should have set a budget amount per person, with my son getting the majority of my budget, as well as set aside a certain amount for my own 'presents.' (I know I'm not the only who does a little shopping for themselves. Those great sales are hard to resist sometimes!) I always start shopping and then, whoops I have almost no money left and 10 gifts to buy. Bad, Bad, BAD habit!
2. I wish I had made lists. This is especially pertinent regarding my son. He's only 3, so he doesn't have a huge list yet. Actually this year all he wanted was a firetruck. But of course, I think he needs more. So a list would have been a better idea than trolling the aisles of Toys R Us and Target. Also, it would have helped with everyone else too if I had a list. I think a list and budget go hand in hand. Next year, I am planning to make my budget and than making my lists ( checking it twice.)
3. The old adage 'When you fail to plan, you plan to fail' is, unfortunately true. I PLANNED on doing something every night for our Elf on the Shelf, but I did NOT plan out what I would actually do. Next year I want to make my own schedule, not cheat off one on Pinterest, and actually have every night planned. Like if our elf planned to bring a gift, have the gift ready, or if he planned to build a marshmallow fort, have the marshmallows ready.

4. I got sick :( Unfortunately I got a sore throat AND sinus/allergy attack at the same time. My throat was getting a little sore on Tuesday, which is rare and I woke up Wednesday with hardly a voice. And when ever the weather changes and our weather goes from warm and humid to cool and dry, like it did Christmas Eve, my sinuses/allergies go hay wire. So I looked like Rudolph. I guess what maybe could have helped would have been for me to keep up on my vitamins and keep a stash of Claritin handy!
Basically, my lack of planning and staying organized is what was 'crappie' about this Christmas. That is one of my New Year's resolutions, to work on being more organized and planning things out better.
Not everything about my Christmas was bad. There was a lot that I was very happy about.
1. I did A LOT with my son this year. We went to our local Christmas parade, to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party, ChristmasTown at Busch Gardens and to an event at our local zoo. Whew! And I am one mama that believes spending time with your child is more important than anything you can buy them. And the excitement on my son's face was well worth every penny spent and hour of sleep missed.
2. I made sure my son was able to see his entire family for Christmas. Christmas Eve we ate dinner with my father and step-mother. It just works out for us to eat Christmas Eve dinner with them. They get to spend time with my son, niece and nephew without a bunch of craziness around. They usually host Christmas for a bunch of older adults and it's not always the most child-friendly environment, so Christmas Eve is our time. Christmas morning my son got to open presents with me, his father and my mother. And then my sister and her two kids came over to play. After an attempted nap, we went to my son's other grandmother's house and ate dinner with his father's family. Then they all went to see his great-grandmother while I went home and to bed. (Remember, I was not feeling well.)

3. My son loved all his gifts. Obviously some he really liked, but he does like everything and has played with all his gifts so far.
So, you can tell that my lack of planning and my sudden 'illness' kinda put a dent into things. I definitely don't feel that I wish I had done more activities or decorated more. My main problem was that I didn't plan things out better. Oh well, there's always next year. And the year after. And the year after that. But, overall it was a good Christmas and I'm grateful that I was able to do so much with my son and to put so many presents for him under the tree. And in the end, that's all that really matters.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday Social

Hi Everyone!
I know it's been a while since I last posted, but life gets in the way of blogging about life. But one of my New Year's resolutions is to spend more time on blogging.
I cannot believe it's almost Christmas! I'm still not done with my shopping and I have plans for Monday and Tuesday :( Oh well, everyone will be getting gift cards from the grocery store. (BTW, that's on my list for next Christmas, be more prepared and organozed. )
1. What is your favorite holiday season tradition?
Well, my personal tradition is to watch 'White Christmas' while I decorate my tree. My family is extremely unpredictable, so tradtions are really our strong point. It actually makes me kind of sad.
2. Do you have a certain holiday movie you watch more than others? If so, what it it?
My mother, sister and I love 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.' We watch that every year at least 2 or 3 times. I also love watching Elf and Home Alone 2.
3. Show us your favorite decoration or Pinterest decoration you wish you could have...
I love all white decorations on Christmas trees. Mine is usually all white, but not the past couple years. I would love to be able to make mine look professionally done.
4. What is your favorite holiday song?
Hands down, Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas (Is You). It's not a tradtional song, but who cares. I love it!!

5. What is your favorite holiday desert?
Pretty much candy cane anything. Put a candy cane in it, I'm all about it.
6. What's on your wish list this year?
Bombshell Diamonds by Victoria's Secret
I hope everyone has a wonderfully Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

New Blog, Go Check It Out....

Hi Everyone!
I have started a new blog Imperfectly Healthy. This new blog will chronicle my journey towards better health for me and my son. My journey may not be perfect, but it will be mine and I hope you will head over to that page and follow it as well!

Monday, November 11, 2013

A HUGE Thank You is Owed.....

To our Veteran's, our current Active Military and their families. They have sacrificed so much so that the rest of us can have the freedoms we often take for granted. They definitely need more than just one day for us to show our appreciation, it should be done everyday.

Even if I had the physical strength to be part of our military, I know I don't have the mental or emotional strength to go through the things they have gone through; leaving my family and traveling half across the world, seeing the tragedies of war and knowing you still have to press on. I can't even imagine what they go through.

There are a few things that truly eat at me when it comes to our military and since this is my soapbox, I'm getting on it...

I HATE WITH ALL MY HEART THE PEOPLE WHO PROTEST SOLDIERS FUNERALS! And right behind those a-holes, I hate the people who seem to blame our soldiers for wars. Whether or not you support a war, you should always support our soldiers. Those amazing men and women are fighting for your right to be able to protest and voice your opinions (no matter how idiotic they are). In other countries, where you don't have a right to free speech and assembly, you also don't have a right to choose whether or not you want to be part of the military. If the government wants you, you're going. Americans choose to join the military because they, with all their heart, want to defend our country and preserve our freedoms. It always seems like the same a-holes who couldn't last a day going through what our military does EVERY day are the ones who are protesting. I especially detest the ones who have never worked a day in their life, went to an top-rated (read: expensive) university by way of their parents bank account and now are protesting.

Another thing I dislike is our treatment of Veterans and Current Military, especially those who have been injury during active duty. We treat our athletes and celebrities like they are gold, and our military members like the rags to wipe the gold. No Veteran should ever have a hard time finding a job after discharge, nor should there ever be an issue with their medical coverage. Why are we treating these men and women this way?

Okay, I'm hopping off my soap box. You can agree or disagree with me, I really don't care. This is my opinion. But regardless, we all need to take a minute to thank a soldier today, I have.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Social

Good morning lovies. I'm linking up with Neely and Amber for another Sunday Social.

1. What do you value most in life? My family and closest friends. They are there for me thick and thin. I have a lot of acquantaces, but only a couple 'best' friends who are more like family. Those few and my family are my rock and I don't think I could get through life with out having them there for me.

2. What do you think is the greatest invention in your life and why? Honestly, the internet. I realized the other day that when I entered high school, the internet was not widely used and I don't even think I knew what it was. By my senior year, I had an e-mail account and my best friend and I would talk to people in AOL chat rooms. It's amazing the amount of communication and information that goes around on the internet.

3. What do you think the secret is to a good life? Appreciation, happiness, motivation. You should appreciate what you have and be happy that you have what you have and the motivation to keep moving forward in life.

4. What would you like to be remember for when your gone? I want to be remembered for being a good mother, daughter, friend and yes, even sister.

5. What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of? So far, I've gotten through three years of parenting successfully. Ha ha  My son is the greatest thing in my life, he is, and will be, the greatest accomplishment in my life.

I'm looking forward to nesx Sunday's questions, as they are about Halloween :)

I hope everyone has an amazing Sunday and week!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I know it's been a very long time since I've posted a 'What I'm Loving Wednesday' post, but here I am, linking up with This Kind of Love.  I noticed the last time I went through the effort to make a Polyvore set and post  it was last October. Hmm.... must be something about the fall that makes it worth the extra effort. 

Pumpkin Spice Lattes - 'nuff said
MLB Playoffs - I was really disappointed that my team, the Tampa Bay Rays, lost last night. But I'll still be watching the rest of the playoffs.
Katy Perry's Roar - I. LOVE. THIS. SONG. Katy makes some of the best 'pick me up' songs. This one just 'roars' self power! You go girl!
Panera Bread's Pink Ribbon Bagel - Aside from the fact that purchasing the bagel helps contribute to a good cause (25 cents from each goes to breast cancer research) the Panera Pink Ribbon Bagel is super yummy, made of cherry chips, dried cherries and cranberries, vanilla, honey and brown sugar.
ABC's Nashville - I love this show, I'm so glad it's back for a second season.
Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin by BBW - This has to be my all time favorite scent by BBW. I wish it was available all year, I would wear it all year! Loooooovvve it!
New Orleans Saints - 5-0 baby! They are doing amazing this year!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Social

After a long absence, I am once again linking up with Neely and Ashley for another Sunday Social. It feels good to be blogging again, a great outlet for me.

Here are this weeks questions:
1. What do you miss most about being a kid? The thing I miss most about being a kid is my friends. I miss being able to just hang out with my friends at a moments notice, like, 'Hey, do you want to come over after school?' 'Sure, that sounds fun.' Or being able to spend a whole weekend just hanging out with my friends. Now my friends and I have to plan everything out around kids and other household obligations.

2. Dd you have a nickname growing up? What was it? I didn't really have a nickname as a child. In fact, I was called Kimberly until I was in 5th grade.

3. What was your favorite thing to do at recess? I used to love playing 4-square and thether ball during recess. We also played this made up game with three tires that were half sticking out of the ground. We would hop from tire to tire, (now that I think about it, it was almost like juggling people on tires) and who ever was playing the longest would earn the right to make the rules. It was amazing how intense that game was. We would be able to remember who was on the tires at the end of the last recess and those people would be able to get back on and continue.

4. What did you want to be when you grew up? There was a time that I wanted to be a lawyer or doctor. At another point I just wanted to be a successful business woman with a corner office.

5. Did you participate in any school activities? I went to a Catholic school and participated in our school choir. We would sing in church during our school masses. I didn't do so much in middle school.

6. What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about? Hmm, I can't really think of anything funny that my parents remind me of. They often remind me of mistakes I've made. Maybe I have to get in touch with my parents and ask them what funny things I did as a child.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful and a great week!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Brain is fried, this is what you get...

Oh lovely Friday, how I have been waiting for you since Monday!
I'm so excited for this weekend. We're taking our son to a farm tomorrow and he is super excited about seeing cows and chickens and goats. He's hoping there will be tractors. I'm just hoping it doesn't rain. It has rained  EVERY. DAY. for almost 2 weeks.
Besides our wonderful outing tomorrow, I have a mile long to-do list, so that's what I'll be doing on Sunday. Darn it, I hate adult responsibilities.

In lieu of something truly thought provoking, I leave you with a tribute to the second best day of the week, (Saturday takes the top spot on my list!)

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

Monday, July 15, 2013

5 for Five

I cannot believe it's Monday already. I feel like the weekend flew by and I got nothing done. I actually did get a lot done, but still.

I am linking up again with Jessica at Fantastically Average.

Last weeks goals -

1. Three Blog Posts - Major fail here, as the last post I did was last Monday. I did however update a page on my blog... does that count?

2. Finish reading 'The Time Traveler's Wife' - again, a fail. I read some more of it, but this book is so difficult for me to get into.

3. Make a bedtime chart for my son - Nope, didn't happen

4. Wake up on time each morning - this was a fail too :( (I'm noticing a trend here.)

5. Clean out my Yahoo Inbox - while I didn't completely clean out my inbox, I was able to delete over 500 messages. So it is a partial win, I am cleaning it out.

Hopefully my goals for this week will be a bit more successful...

1. Three Blog Posts - yes, I am going to try this again.

2. Start a different book - I'm going to put the 'Time Traveler's Wife' aside for a bit and read something else. I recently purchased a bunch of books at the flea market and hopefully I can get into some of them.

3. Contine cleaning out my Yahoo Inbox - I have made some progress, so why not continue making more.

4. 101 of my Favorite Songs - This is on my 101 in 1001 list, I started it this weekend and I want to finish it this week. It's not as difficult as one might think.

5. Wake up on time each morning - Ha! I love a real challenge.

I have a couple of easier goals in there, guaranteeing myself some success. It's like taking the easy classes in school, knowing you'll pass and get your GPA up.
I hope everyone has an amazing week, mine has started off really well!

Monday, July 8, 2013

5 for Five

Today seems like such a let down of a day, after all the fun we had last week. But Monday has come, and we must make our way through it.

Once again, I did not particpate last week, so I have no results to share. I will be trying my best to report back next week with an update and new goals for the week. I really enjoy this link up with Jessica at Fantastically Average. Anything to make myself accountable for something is good, I say.

1. Three Blog Posts - I am aiming for 3 blog posts this week. And not just answers to link-ups, as I have done. Three good, quality posts.

2. Finish reading 'The Time Traveler's Wife' - I started it the other day and I'm having a little trouble getting through the first few chapter's. I'm hoping that the book will suck me in at some point. Unfortunately, the reviews are a bit split on the book.

3. Make a bedtime chart for my son - I've been having a lot of trouble putting my son to bed. We literally fight for two hours every night until he finally passes out. And normally he's in tears or in my bed. This is not what I want. So I want to make a chart that tells him what steps we will take every night.

4. Wake up on time each morning - i.e. not hit the snooze button 15 times. I have my alarm set for 5, which is what time I need to get up to do everything I need to do in the morning (yoga, shower, dressed with hair and makeup done, make lunch, get to work on time). I normally roll out of bed around 6:15.

5. Clean out my Yahoo Inbox - over 5000 unread messges? 'Nuff said.

I hope I have a successful week and you do as well!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Social 7/7/13

Happy Sunday everyone! I can't believe it's Sunday and tomorrow starts a normal, full week at work (sigh). I did work last Monday and Friday, with three days off in the middle. But c'mon, even as adults, when we know we're only working one day, we really don't work.

Any whoooo, I'm linking up with Neely and Ashley for a Sunday Social. Hope you all enjoy!

This week's topic is about travelling, something I haven't done too much of.

1. What is the best trip you’ve ever been on? - The best trip I have been on was in 2003 to southern California. I went to visit my boyfriend at the time, a Marine who was stationed at Camp Pendleton. I had never been to southern California and completely FELL. IN. LOVE.

2. What is your best idea for a girls weekend trip? - I think a trip to the Key West is the best idea for a girls weekend trip. It's not far from where I live and there's a variety to do. There's water sports for the active girls, shopping for the shoppers and debauchery for everyone else.

3. What is your best idea for a couples trip? - A place neither of you have ever been, while staying in a small bed and breakfast. If neither of you have been there, then neither of you have a 'favorite' thing to see/do. You can explore your destination together.

4. What is the best vacation on the cheap? - A staycation. 

5. What is the place you most want to visit? - I have never been to Italy and would love to go there. The truth is, I don't have much desire to travel, but I would love to travel around Italy. 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Social

Sundays can be bittersweet. On one hand, it's like 'Yay! It's still the weekend!' and on the other, 'Oh crud, I have to drag my butt to work tomorrow.' So what a better way to keep the 'Yay!' going than with a Sunday Social link up!

What is your favorite store to shop at? Sephora. I love going into Sephora. The reason I love this place so much is because whenever I go in there, it's all about me! There is nothing in there, besides philosophy bubble bath, that I could buy for my son. Normally when I go into a store, I look at for him before myself. But not at Sephora, there's nothing for him in there. 

If you could afford anything and everything, which designer brand would you covet?  Easy, Lily Pulitzer. I adore the style of the clothes!

Must have closet staple For me, it has to be a good pair of flip flops. I wear them to work, on my way home and pretty much any time I'm not in my office. So it's important to have a pair (or ten) that fit well

Favorite kind of shoes I love my Kino's, which are sandals made in Key West. 

Best clothing deal you've ever gotten? Honestly I have no idea. I'm not too much of a clothing sale shopper and quite often I will buy a piece of clothing for a steal and then never wear, which makes it not a good deal, but a waste of money.

Style you'd love to try? I would love to try wearing scarves. Not only do they look funny on me, IMO, but I live in Florida so I have a hard time imagining them in my wardrobe. Maybe I need some lessons.

I hope everyone is having an amazing Sunday. I'm catching up on some household duties today and then headed to the beach to watch the sunset if it doesn't rain. Hopefully I post tomorrow.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Checking in....

I know that it's been awhile since my last post... I wish I had a better reason for not posting so often, but the truth is, I'm always so tired. Like, sleep all the time tired. I wake up late every day, go to work, take care of the munchkin, go to bed. That's it. Not sure why...

Anyway, I like to reassess my situation during the month of June every year. I feel like it's a good time to look back at the first half of the year and see what's been working for me (not much apparently) and what I can do to improve (Monster Energy I.V.). The majority of us make New Year's Resolutions (which we promptly neglect by January 15th) and I think it's good to check up half way through the year.


So, I'm gonna dig right in:

1.  The most important thing to do, and what I have previously failed to do, is keep my goals and supporting 'stuff' within view. I think it's important to always see your goals, it's easier to make sure you're working to acheive them. Don't have a plan as of yet where to put them, but I'll figure it out.

2. I just bought a new car in May and I haven't re-done my budget to allow for the car payment. I mean, I know I can't spend $200.00 at the grocery store and not use coupons. But I haven't actually written down a budget to see where my money should go. I'm thinking of using a modified envelope system,  putting in a set amount for groceries and 'out to eat' money in them.

3. I have thousands of unread e-mails. I know I get way too many each day. My plan is two fold A) spend at least 10 minutes a day going through my e-mail, reading and deleting. B) If I see that I delete a certain companies e-mail often because I'm not going to shop there, I will go ahead and remove myself from that list.

4. I have a 'TO-DO' list on my fridge, but never use it. It's a useful chart, laminated and everything. I have household chores broken down by daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. I probably need to update it and make it brighter.

5. I need to make fitness and healthy eating more of a priority. I know that's a lot of the reason I am so tired all the time. I need to force myself to get out of bed and do something in the morning. I would love to get up and do yoga. I also think if I make a commitment to meal planning, that should take care of eating more healthy.

6. At one time in my life, I was obsessively clean. I clean my house almost everyday, vacuumed everyday. I'm not sure where I lost that drive/mentality, but I would love to get it back. I still get such a satisfction from having a spotless house. My only thought is that I need to just work keeping going and not sit down until the house is clean. And if I have to suck down a case of Redbull to get going, so be it (sugar free of course!)

7. I know I've said it before and I know I've fallen very short. But I want to be more committed to my blogging. I think it's a great way to communicate with other mom's and get ideas. So with that said, I probably need to put myself on a schedule with regard to my blogging and brainstorm about topics, etc.

So, I think that's a good start to my mid-year evaluation of self. One thing I really need to invest in is a good planner. I've seen the Filofax ones and I really like the way one YouTuber  I watch uses hers, but I'm not sure I want to justify spending so much on a planner. I like the Erin Condren ones too, but again, somewhat costly for this baller on a budget. If anyone has any good ideas for a reasonably priced planner, leave it in the comments below.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Monday & 5 for Five

It's hard to believe it's already Monday. Where did my weekend go? It was nice, however for it to stay lighter a bit longer yesterday.

It's been a long time since I've posted one of these link ups with Jessica @ Fantastically Average, so I don't have my successes from last week to post. So here are my five for the upcoming week:

1. Take a multi-vitamin and biotin everyday. I'm trying to grow my hair out and both my hairdresser and eyebrow-waxer told me on Saturday to be sure I am taking them RELIGIOUSLY!

2. Drink more water. This goes hand in hand with my first goal for the week. It's necessary to drink plenty of water to allow the vitamins to be absorbed by your body. And my hair dresser told me that taking vitamins without drinking plenty of water can cause break-outs. Yikes!

3. Make a real dinner at least 3 times this week. Normally it's just me and my 2 year old son eating dinner together, so it's very tempting after a long day at work to throw some chicken nuggets in the microwave and call that dinner. But I want us to eat better and healthier.

4. Get up earlier. This will actually assist in helping me with a lot more! By getting my butt out of bed earlier, I'll have more time to not feel so rushed in the morning. I tend to be very short with my angel in the morning when I'm rushed and I know that's not fair to him.

5. Follow the cleaning chart on the fridge. I copied an idea from another blog and that was to put a laminated chart on the fridge, listing all the things I need to do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Should keep me more organized, but it won't unless I follow it!

Hopefully next Monday I can report back and say that I was successful. I've had a lot of struggles lately feeling like my world is spiraling out of control, mostly because I allow other people to make me feel this way. So the best way to start feeling like I can reign back in control is to start small, get control of something that no one else can have an effect on, like taking a vitamin.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

You Tube Addiction (and my quest to be a beauty guru)

So, maybe you have (but you probably haven't) been wondering why I haven't been posting. Well, it's actually quite a simple, yet embarrassing explanation.
YouTube has replaced Facebook for me. I check it a couple times a day to see if anyone I am subscribed to has posted a new video. (And secretly do a happy dance when they have.) I guess I feel a bit of redemption because most of  the channels I subscribe to are either beauty guru channels or their daily vlog channels and then some other home organization channels. See, nothing too crazy.
Actually, watching these channels give me a bit of hope. I keep thinking if I watch enough and get enough practice, I too can become a YouTube Beauty Guru. Not sure if this is practical or not. I haven't seen too many who are single moms who work a full time out-of-the-home job. But if anyone reading this knows of one, point me in her direction. Another issue is that my day to day routine is just that, routine. Wake up, get me and kid ready, go to work, come home, dinner and bed. Not too exciting.
When I go out with my friends, we are HYSTERICAL! Always laughing and having a good time.
I was thinking of possibly doing a channel in which I do something and solicit advice. I know I am far from perfect and definitely appreciate advice.
Do any of you have a YouTube channel? I would love to subscribe and see what you have! What do you think of a YouTube channel about soliciting advice? Am I just asking for trouble?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Social


After a long absence, I'm linking up to Ashley and Neely for my first Sunday Social of 2013. This week's theme is 3's.

Top 3 Favorite Kinds of Food: I love Mexican, Southern and Cuban food! Contrary to what people think, not all Latin food is the same. I live near Tampa, FL which has some of the best Cuban-American restaurants you could ever find, so what I eat is pretty darn authentic! And even though I was born up north and my parents still cook like Yankees, I love, love, love some down home Southern cooking!

First 3 Things You Do In the Morning: check my phone, turn on my tv to watch the news and take a shower.

Last 3 Things You Do At Night: Brush my teeth, turn off the t.v. and turn off the light.

3 TV Shows You NEVER Miss: This one is tough because only recently have I really started to make a point to watch tv shows during their current season. But I've really become fond of Bones, Nashville and The Big Bang Theory.

3 Places You Want To Visit: I've always wanted to visit NYC during Christmas time, Italy and Austrailia.

3 People You Can Always Count On: This is a no-brainer, my Mom, sister and Step-Mother.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Friday, January 11, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack

I know I've been MIA for a bit. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, I've just been so busy at work and busy with the holidays that the minute I get a chance to relax, it's in bed and not on a computer!

But as of this moment, 1:44 pm EST, I am vowing to be more committed to my blog and the readers I do have. Pinky Promise!!! In fact, it is one of my New Year's Resolutions. (And I promise to do a post on that.)

Last year was a bit of a clustermess and this year, 2013, is all about me getting MY life together and not worrying about the person who I let make my life a mess. I'm determined to make this a great year and I WILL be letting everyone know how great it is!