Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Social


**What do you miss most about being a kid?** I would definitely have to say not having to worry about anything and being carefree

**Did you have a nickname growing up** No, in fact my parents called me by my full name, Kimberly. It wasn't until I was in middle school when people started calling me Kim.

**What was your favorite thing to do at recess** This is the funniest thing... Our school playground had three tires coming out of the ground in a triangle shape. Us girls made up this jumping game on the three tires. It got tense at times. If you stayed on the longest, you got to make up rules, like, everyone had to jump and only use one foot. Sounds kinda crazy, but that was THE game on our playground.

**What did you want to be when you grew up?** Honestly, I wanted to be so many things, a lawyer, a doctor, it ran the gamete. I don't think I ever really had my heart set on anything.

**What was your favorite toy?** Probably my Barbie dolls. I had a friend whose dad made her a Barbie house and we would spend hours playing. Other than that, I really liked to read, so my books were probably my other favorite 'toy.'

**What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?** I don't think I was much a funny kid. I don't think I did a lot of random funny stuff. Either that, or my parents didn't pay much attention to me. My family always gets a laugh out of the retelling of our Christmas mornings. My sister would go through about $1000.00 worth of toys in about 2 minutes flat and then say, "Is that it?" Meanwhile I would be opening my presents slowing, thanking everyone for what they gave me, completely being ignored by my family. (There is proof of this, it's on VHS!)

I hope everyone had a great weekend. We have been going nonstop!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear My Wonderful Son...

Today you will turn two! I cannot believe you have already been driving me crazy  making my life amazing for that long already. I could bore you with the story of how we went to the hospital and what the weather was like, blah, blah, blah... (However, the day we left the hospital, the weather was AMAZING! 75 degrees, no humidity, that's heaven for September in Florida!)

However, I will tell you that I joked around with your father, saying we would name you after the starting pitcher for the Rays on the day of your birth. But you decided to arrive before the game even started. BTW, it was David Price. We had actually gone back and forth between Justin and another name and decided on Justin. One of the nurses said that was a good choice, because I got to the hospital just in time to have you. (Not really, we got there at 7am, you were born at 11:21am. Not 'just in' time in my book.)

There have been ups and downs for us, and I am forever sorry for the downs and forever grateful for the ups. Even though the song was really written for a couple in love, whenever I hear Blake Shelton sing "God Gave Me You" I realize how lucky I am to have you in my life and that there is no gift greater than you.

I love the way you care about your cousins and the rest of your family. I love the way you are soooo much like your Daddy (as scary as that is!) I love the way you are already, at two, a smart alack! (a taste of my own medicine!) I love the way you dance and shake your booty when Mommy tells you to. I truly believe you got the best of both your father and I! You continue to amaze me each and every day that I am with you! I can say, without any doubt, I would not trade these past two years for anything in the world.

And yet, I know the best is yet to come. I have so many more years with you and I know you will continue to out-do yourself time and time again. Every time I hear Brad Paisley's song "Just Like Me" I know that is exactly how you will be; getting into trouble and yet still captivating my heart. I know every second I spend being mad about the minor things is wasting precious seconds I have with you.

I have hopes, dreams and goals for you. I hope that you grow up with the common sense to know right from wrong. I hope you grow up wanting to be the man that you know would make me proud. My dreams are that you become what ever you aspire to be. My goal is to raise a son that becomes the kind of man that values everything in his life, his family, friends, home, job and country.

I love you more than life itself and I always be there for you as your mother, your mentor, your confidant and your best friend.

Love Always,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Okay Thursday #2

This past week has flown by, I can hardly believe it's Thursday! But I'm definitely not complaining, I am totally looking forward to a 4 day weekend to celebrate my son's birthday. Time to PAR-TAY! He'll only be 2, but I believe it's my duty as his mother to teach him to party like a (Disney) rockstar!

I'm linking up with Neely and Amber for another round...

It's OK....
to think the NFL head honchos read my rant here and decided to make the deal with the "Real Refs"
to have a meltdown or two (or ten) a week
to stay up all night watching 'Gossip Girl' after having said meltdown
to eat cereal for dinner when you don't feel like cooking
to take a four day weekend to celebrate your kid's birthday
to wear a black sweater to work on a day when it's 88 degrees because you're grumpy
to be sick and tired of Facebook because you're tired of seeing your friend's posts about how desperate she is to be back with her ex and you think he's a major ZERO!
to want to uninvite said friend from your kids birthday party for fear she will want to bring the ZERO!
to realize you need to be on a budget (how does one do that anyway?)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up to This Kind of Love again for a What I'm Loving Wednesday.

**I am loving** that Friday is my son's 2nd birthday and I have soooo much planned for him!

**I am loving** that the past few days have been a hint of fall here in FL... (Although here in the St. Pete/Tampa area, we will NEVER see anything like the picture below)

**I am loving** my daily breakfast of Greek yogurt, honey and granola. I'm not sure how healthy it is, but it feels healthy & that's what really counts!

**I am loving** my iPhone 4. I did want the iPhone 5, but for now (and budget reasons) I have realized that I love the phone I have and don't know how I functioned before it!

**I am loving** how supportive my family and friends have been. I had a really round week last week and all of them have been there for encouragement! <3 them!

**I am loving** that this week and next I have a 4 day work week!! WOOOOO!!!!

**What I am NOT  loving** are the horrible replacement refs! There is only one NFL team I like (not disclosing at this time) and I don't believe they have been victims yet. BUT after Monday night's game, a fan has to think.... 'How long until my team is affect by these under-qualified field space-taker-uppers?' I was watching Sportscenter & they quoted all these stats comparing this season and last with regard to how the refs impact the game.  I don't understand the politics completely of the Ref Lock Out, but I can sense the fans are getting really irritated with the NFL owners. I mean, I've heard talks about boycotts! Please, Please, Pretty Please bring back the men who know what the heck is going on on the field!!!!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who Are You?!?!

I found this cute little questionnaire on A Complete Waste of Make-up and thought I would post it here and hope some of my readers comment!

1. Who Are You?
2. Do you blog too! Leave your link...
3. Do you rememer how you found my blog?
4. How long have you been reading my blog?
5. What would keep you coming back?
6. What would you like to see me blog about more?
7. What is something we have in common?
8. Tell one fun fact about yourself!
Who are you? Kim, an Imperfectly Balanced lady

Do you blog, too? Leave me your link! I want to follow you! - Yes I do!

Do you remember how you found my blog? A link-up? Another blog? - I found your blog through a link up, although I cannot remember which one. Glad I did though!

How long have you been reading? - I've been reading your blog for about a month now

What keeps you coming back to my blog? - Your topics are very interesting and honest and fun!

What would you like to see me blog about more? - Can't think of anything off the top of my head...

What is something we have in common? - Love (who are we kidding, OBSESSION) of Starbucks

Tell me a fun fact about yourself! - I have not been able to whistle since I was 18, when I got all rebellious and pierced my tongue.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Social #2

I am linking up with Neely and Ashley for my second Sunday Social. These questions hit home this weekend, as I had a bit of a nervous breakdown the other day and was forced to really look at my life and the direction I'm taking (But that's a different post for a different time.)
1. What is something you have wanted to do but are afraid of? I have always wanted to quit my job and start my own business. My friend and I have contempated a cupcake shop, but we both have kids and need financial security. And as an entrepreneur, there is no such thing as job security. That's scary when you are supporting children!

 2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This is such a tough question. I would love, love, love to see myself home with my son and a second child in 5 years. But I know it's probably not going to happen. Finances are tough and it's looking like I'm going to remain a work-away-from-home mom :(
3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2012? I'm looking forward to the holidays with my son and family. I'm a true believer that Christmas is for children & there is nothing I love more that watching my son and niece open their gifts! On a serious note, I am looking forward to starting to get my life together. I've (almost) hit complete bottom & I'm really hoping to start putting the pieces back together.
4. What are your hopes for your blog? I am hoping to be able to put more time into it, work on all the tweaks, just make it more of a 'daily read' for people, host giveaways.
5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city? Actually, yes! I love that fact that I know so many people and all the great places to go. And I'm really a homebody, I don't have the desire to travel the world. I'd rather stay at home and spend my days on the same beach that I've been going to for 20 years.
6. What is your morning routine - I usually wake up, fold any laundry that I left in the dryer the night before, eat breakfast, take a shower, wake up my son and get him eating breakfast, make up, hair, dress while my munchkin is eating. Get him dress when he's done eating. Get our stuff together that I (usually) prepare the night before, and head off to my office.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's Okay Thursday #1

Its Ok Thursdays
It's okay that I started this blog a week and a half ago still have no clue the direction I'm taking with it.
It's okay to put my hair in a pony tail and consider it "done" some days.

It's okay to love the iPhone that I have now, but convince myself that I will need to iPhone 5 when it comes out.
It's okay to spend an entire evening sitting on my couch watching 'Thomas & Friends' with my 2 year old cutie.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday - Justin Edition

This week I'm linking up to this kind of love for What I'm Loving Wednesday. Except this week, I'm mom-ifying it (is that a word?) and posting what my son loves. Because as moms we all know, if our kid loves it, then we better love it too. Or it's gonna be a loooong ride!
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Thomas the Train - he loves, loves loves choo choos! He has the shoes lunch box, shirt, movies, toys, you name it. Funny thing is, we weren't watching it at home & they don't watch t.v. at his school, so who knows where he saw Thomas & decided he liked him!
Applesauce - my baby looooves him some applesauce. I think one of the BEST inventions of the 21st century are those squeezable fruit things. Great for a kid on the go!
Crayons - this is a new thing for him. He doesn't actually color too much, he is more interested in taking the crayons out of the container we store them in, making a pile and then putting them back in the container.
Swing - Justin can swing for HOURS! And I mean hours! We went to the park last weekend and he went on the big kid swings for the first time ever! He loved it and wouldn't get off. Me, 5 seconds and my stomach is doing flips. Weird.
Cars & Trucks - I totally think he gets this interest from his Daddy! Even as a baby, when he would see a car commercial, he would stop what he was doing and stare at the t.v. and then go back to what he was doing when it was over. Justin loves to look at trucks with his daddy on the computer. Chris is into lifted trucks and when Justin sees them, he does this grunting thing. (It reminds me of Tim the Toolman Taylor...)
Fruit Snacks - his go to snack. These we buy in bulk from Sam's Club because it would be a bad day in our house if we ever run out!
So these are a few of the things my little boy is loving. It's somewhat significant that I'm posting it now, as he will be 2 (OMG, I have a two year old already!!!!!) next week.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Meal Plan Monday - 9/17/12

Last week we followed our meal plan really well, with the exception of Thursday night. I have been extremely busy at work and by Thursday, I was definitely not in the mood to come home and cook. Sometimes I look at the kitchen and want to run the other way. Thursday was one of those days! 

Meal Plan Monday

Monday - Tuna Noodle Casserole (I actually make this the night before so all I need to do is heat it up)

Tuesday - Crock pot BBQ chicken sandwiches

Wednesday - Left overs

Thursday - Breakfast for Dinner

Friday - Grandma's choice 

As much as I try to plan weekend meals, something always comes up. So I'm leaving it to just week nights! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Social

Today I'm linking up with A Complete Waste of Makeup for their Sunday Social

Sunday Social

This Weeks Questions:

5 Things You Can't Live Without

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I cannot live without my iPhone, my Sharpie pens, my rainbow flip flops, Starbucks iced drinks and my polarized Ray Bans.

All Time Favorite Book - I would have to say the Bible. There is no other book that you can pick up, open to any page, read for any length of time and feel better once you put it down. I have suffered from a lot of depression and anxiety since having my son & it is like an instant counseling session.

Something You Would Like To Accomplish Before The End Of 2012 - I would love to get my life back on track. Like I said, I have had a lot of depression and anxiety since my son was born. I constantly have the feeling of being overwhelmed with what's on my plate. I would like to get back the feeling of having some control over my life.

 If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be? - It would have to be my senior year of high school. I had a lot of fun, but made some not so good choices. I would go back and relive it ONLY if I know what I know now.

What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them? - That my sister and I are NOT twins, we are in fact three years apart.

Thanks! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What I'm Reading This Weekend

I tend to go on reading binges, sometimes reading 2 or 3 books a week, sometimes not even opening one. I own a ton, most of which have not been read and I hate that. I buy more before I have read the ones I already have, I read books long after everyone else has (perfect example, I own all three Hunger Games books, haven't cracked them yet.) In my attempt to read more often, I signed up at Goodreads in hopes that tracking my reading would encourage me to read more often. It has aboutthismuch. So, I now figure if I make a, say monthly, commitment to posting about what I'm reading, then I will. Because I will feel like a total ding-dong if I'm reading the same book for two months. So without further adieu...

This weekend I'm reading 11/22/63 by Stephen King


This one is currently a borrowed book from a co-worker, which is even more reason to get it read! Hopefully the next time I post about what I'm reading, I can give a review of this book, not just tell you I'm still reading it!

What good book are you enjoying this weekend?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I love when I find something that just puts a smile on my face. Usually they are things that save me money and time, but sometimes, they are just things that put a smile on my face...

I am loving my new Keuring machine. I got it a few weeks ago and absolutely think it is amazing. The best part is (sorry Starbucks) it's saving me time in the morning and mucho moola!


I'm not really sure what the specific use for this is, but I. LOVE. IT!!! I love the fact that I can use it alone or use it under other make-up. It's not for everyone though. The Clinique representative I spoke with explained that all BB creams are different and this one is a bit thicker than others.

Heaven in a bottle! That's all I have to say & I know you understand.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Meal Plan Monday

We are a busy bunch around here and I find meal planning a tough thing to do. My intentions are good, but sometimes, life gets in the way, ya know? The other obstacle I face is that Chris is not home for dinner 2 nights a week & Justin is a finicky eater. I figure, if I commit myself to posting a meal plan (almost) every Monday, then I'm at least committed to making one!
Monday - Beef tacos with refried beans
Tuesday - Turkey dogs with sweet potato tater tots
Wednesday - Baked Ziti
Thursday - Grilled Chicken
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Eat out
Sunday - Spaghetti, meatballs, salad

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Recap

We started off our weekend enjoying a peaceful dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Well a peaceful as one can be with a super-active almost-two year old.
J had chicken fingers and crayons. (He's already quite the gourmet.)
I had the Outback special (sorry, I took a bite then realized I wanted to take a picture)
Saturday we got up and went to the outlet mall in Ellenton. I usually hit up the Osh Kosh & Carter's stores to pick up clothes for J. But Carter's has remodeled their store and I don't like it. There doesn't seem to be as much to choose from in the store.

Sunday is usually chore day. Laundry, cleaning, you know, fun stuff.

Thank you for sharing your weekend with me. My blog is a work in progress and any tips or constructive criticism would be appreciated :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Post (YAY!)

Hi! and welcome to my blog. I am hoping that I am able to entertain you the readers with my attempts to obtain perfection of motherhood. (hah!)

Join my on my journey of crafting, organizing, scheduling, planning, cleaning, and everything else that comes along with motherhood. As well as sitting at my desk far from home 8 hours a day!