Monday, October 29, 2012

5 for Five

Happy Monday Morning!!!
So, it's Monday and time for my second week of 5 for Five. I'm not even going to go into what an epic fail last week was...

1. Walk at least 3x's this week. My sister wants to sign up for our local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, so I need to get my booty in shape!
2. Send out Thank You cards for my son's birthday party, which was October 1st. I'm usually really good about sending Thank You cards, but this time, not so much!
3. Put away ALL my clean laundry. I'm terrible about putting away laundry. I usually just fold it and keep it in the basket, or leave it hung up in the laundry area.
4. Rearrange my bedroom. My poor headboard has collecting dust in my garage for the past 8 months.
5. Organize my Pinterest boards. It totally bugs me that I have so many 'likes' and not nearly as many 'pins.'

So I'm just going to copy my goals from last week and hope they stick this week.

1. Walk at least 3x's this week. I mean it this time. No excuses... the weather is perfect! At least I know I'll get some walking in Wednesday night.

2. Send out Thank You cards for my son's birthday party, which was October 1st. I might just have to resolve to thank you e-mails.

3. Put away ALL my clean laundry. I almost accomplished this.... Almost.

4. Rearrange my bedroom. My poor headboard has collecting dust in my garage for the past 8 months.

5. Organize my Pinterest boards. It totally bugs me that I have so many 'likes' and not nearly as many 'pins.'
Hope you guys have a great week! Thanks for visiting!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, Friday!!!

It's been a week from you know where. I'm just glad it's over. We initially had plans to go to a carnival tomorrow, but I think we're gonna cancel all plans and just chilax at home.
 I have a list a mile (okay, maybe an exaggeration..... or is it?) of things I want to do. So maybe I'll tackle my to-do list and spend some quality time with my little man.

Okay, so it's not a mile long, but it's a lot of time consuming projects. Good thing my Keurig carousel is fully stocked!
(Oh, and I forgot to add that I want to work on a few blog posts, including my link-up)
Have a great weekend y'all!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Mother

I just want to say Happy Birthday to my wonderful saint of a mother. (Even though she doesn't read this.) To me and my sister, she is exactly what a mother is supposed to be.

They say when you walk into some one's home, the first thing you see is what they care about the most. It's so true with my mother. Open the front door to her home and you are faced with a wall of pictures of her children, grandchildren, and, yes, her dogs!

My mother has made so many sacrifices for our family, often putting our wants before her needs. I know my sister and I took it for granted as children, but as mothers ourselves now, we can only aspire to be that selfless and giving.

As hokey as it sounds, my mother is both my sister's and my best friend. She is always in our corner, always there to give whatever she can. But don't worry, she knows us both too well and is quick to put us in our place.

As I have grown up, I have gotten to see how other women parent and hold them to my mother's standard. Often, they fall flat.

My mother is an inspiration to me and my sister and we both know there is no way we could ever fill her shoes (technically we can, we both wear a larger size than her.) and no way to every show her how much we appreciate all that she had done for us.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting & What I'm Loving Wednesday

Since one of my goals for this week is to try to organize my Pinterest boards, I was obviously on Pinterest and, as always, found some pins that are cute/funny/interesting. And then I remembered I saw a Pinterest-themed link-up on The Vintage Apple, so I decided to link-up.

via Karissa Slaby on Pinterest

via Wendy Walker on Pinterest

via Erin McDonald on Pinterest

Hair-Do Dating Cues Circa 1944 via Bethanne on Pinterest

via R Thompson on Pinterest



I'm also linking up with this kind of love for another edition of What I'm Loving Wednesday...
For starters, I'm starting to really get into Polyvore to make collages and find it more fun to make a collage of what I'm loving instead of posting individual pictures.
I'm loving... a pair of Uggs! I think they are soooo cute for winter and would love to have a pair. I just can't bring myself to buy a pair since I spend my winters in a climate that only gets below 50 degrees maybe 3 times.
I'm loving... that Halloween is next week! Hmm, I think I already have a theme for next Wednesday's post :)
I'm loving... Luke Bryan. 'Nuff said!
I'm loving... Cracker Barrel. I make it a point to eat at this fine establishment at least once a week. It's the closest thing to home-cooked yumminess without me being in the kitchen.
I'm loving... s'mores. These are soooo yummy and making them brings back the best childhood memories of camping and being at my grandma's.
I'm loving... this rose gold watch from Michael Kors. I bought a similar one at Target a few weeks ago, and it is pretty nice. But nothing compares to a MK watch!
I'm loving... eos lip balm. It feels so smooth and tastes yummy!
I'm loving... that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. But I do think there are other forms of cancer that need as much recognition as breast cancer.
I'm loving... this Saints sweatshirt from Nike. It looks so cozy and perfect for our 'cool' winter days!
I'm loving... Werther's Originals. Not sure when I turned into my grandmother, but lately, I can't seem to get enough of these and their yummy goodness.
Thanks for checking me out today. Happy Wednesday Y'all!

Monday, October 22, 2012

5 for five

I love making lists! I am a list fanatic!!! And I love setting goals for myself. So anytime I come across a chance to combine the two, I'm all about it! When Jessica at Fantastically Average decided to start a new weekly link-up, 5 for five, it was like a match made in heaven. (Well, almost. Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream and me are a match made in heaven. LOL)
1. Walk at least 3x's this week. My sister wants to sign up for our local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, so I need to get my booty in shape!
2. Send out Thank You cards for my son's birthday party, which was October 1st. I'm usually really good about sending Thank You cards, but this time, not so much!
3. Put away ALL my clean laundry. I'm terrible about putting away laundry. I usually just fold it and keep it in the basket, or leave it hung up in the laundry area.
4. Rearrange my bedroom. My poor headboard has collecting dust in my garage for the past 8 months.
5. Organize my Pinterest boards. It totally bugs me that I have so many 'likes' and not nearly as many 'pins.'
Hopefully I will be able to report back next Monday with 100% completion. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Stay Tuned....

Sorry for my absence this past week in the blog world. It's been one of those weeks....

But with a renewed sense of motivation for my blog, I am going to try to host my own link-up during November.

I haven't done a link-up yet, so that's what I plan to work on the next week or so. I'm feeling ambitious, as next week is my mother's birthday and we have stuff going on for the next two weekends AND Halloween is fast approaching.

I've also been making use of a small notebook that I got at a training a few months back. It was supposed to be used for taking notes during the training. Whoops! I've been using to write down ideas I have; some for now, some for later.

I love reading other people's blogs and get jealous of how people turn their regular, ordinary lives into something amazing. And they do it, not by taking expensive vacations or buying expensive things, but by observing every detail of their lives. They live their lives, they don't just go through it waiting for something to come along.

So, this is what I want to do. Stop and catch those tiny moments in my life that make is so special, stop waiting for.... what ever it is I think I need to be waiting for.

Thanks for listening (reading) my babbling! And Happy Friday y'all!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Well, we made it to another Thursday!
Its Ok Thursdays
it's okay... think a pony tail is perfectly acceptable for casual jean days continue to wish it would get colder in Florida overload on Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin body products :)
...that I also find it acceptable to wear a sweater and flip-flops.
...'make' my kids lunch everyday by giving him an Uncrustables, I mean, the kid loves his PB & J! not always wear matching metals, i.e. white gold ring, rose gold watch download every app someone tells you is cool, use it once and never delete it from your phone
Hope everyone has a great Thursday. If nothing else, at lease tomorrow is Friday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm totally getting into the fall 'mood,' despite the fact it is almost 90 degrees where I live.
But I'm totally loving some fall goodies this week...

Pinned Image
I'm loving the new, last season of Gossip Girl! It looks like it's going to be AMAZING and I'm on the edge of my seat to see what happens!

I'm loving Caramel Apple Milky Ways. My sister found these a few weeks ago at Target and we just can't get enough of them! So yummy!

I'm loving pumpkin flavored coffee creamer. Ever since I received my Keurig as an early Christmas present, I've been bring my coffee to work (almost) everyday. Between the coffee creamer and pumpkin spice coffee, I don't really miss Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (who am I kidding? I still LOOOVE them!) But I'm saving money, so it's a good trade.

I'm loving brown polishes for fall! I really like darker colors for my nails, but it just doesn't seem right during the spring and summer, especially here in sunny Florida. So when October rolls around, I get the chance to break out the darker colors. (Although I did a purge in the spring and got rid of most of my polish, so I have to start from scratch now ): )

I'm loving my Tervis tumbler. This isn't the actual one that I have, mine just has a "K" on it. I love it because it's a cute way to keep track of how much water I drink, with the large cups being 24 ounces. I usually drink out of one during the weekends, since they have lids which makes them easily portable. We refer to it as "Mommy's sippy-cup."

I'm loving Drew Brees and the Saints! Yes, I said the Saints! I was sooo excited to watch Drew break Johnny Unitas' record Sunday night for consecutive games with a touchdown thrown. Despite what has gone on with the coaches and some players, Drew is an amazing quarterback, one of the best in the league. He has proven it!

And lastly, I'm loving everything about Fall!!! I get so excited this time of year. There is so much going on and now with my son being a bit older and able to enjoy more, I know this time of year will only get better!

That's all I got.... Happy Wednesday Y'all!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Okay Thursday

Even though it's been a short week for me (I took the day off on Monday), it seems like it's been an eternity since last Thursday. We had a crazy busy weekend - TWO birthday parties!
So, here I am again, linking up with Amber & Neely for another round
Its Ok Thursdays
IT'S OKAY... find Presidential debates interesting. believe there should be a time when older, retired citizens should not be on the road (primarily rush-hour) already be excited about Christmas after seeing my baby rip open his birthday presents be glad said son did not get a lot of presents for his birthday (who do you think is picking up after my 2 year old) wish I lived in a cooler climate during the fall, not the winter, just fall. I'm so jealous of all those people out there who actually get to enjoy crisp air! be a bit disappointed in myself that this is all I have to offer today. I'm taking notes next week :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monthly Goals

I love making lists... I just find it hard to follow them. (Something I want to do and I'm working on). I make a goal list in my planner at work, this is for stricty work-related goals, like a completely clean desk each morning. This means, that my water cup was emptied, everything was put away, no personally identifiable info was left out, etc..... But I don't make too many for my self. This one will going on the fridge.
Walk 3x Week - I neeeeeed to walk more. My son is getting bigger and it's more fun to walk with him, so I need to 'get ta gettin.'
2 Full Tervis Tumblers of water a day - I will speak all the glories of the Tervis tumbler! The one I have on my desk is 24 oz and I should be drinking at least 2 per day. At the very least.
Make a budget - Notice how I didn't stay 'stick to a budget.' Baby steps Y'all, baby steps.
Put a positive picture on my desktop each day - I'm not big on some crazy picture on my desktop at work, but I know that if I put an inspiring message on it, I will be forced to read it. Everyday!
Counselor -  I have a few meltdowns this past week and I know it's time for me to see somone who can help me get all the ish worked out in my head.
So there you have it, my monthly goals. These are pretty obtainable goals, no reason why I can do it. :)
I also joined Day Zero Project and set up a 101 in 1001 list. (Although mine's a bit longer that 101.) It's more like a bucket list, but it is a list of things I want to do. I gave my list it's own page, so check back for my progress...

Does That Make Me Crazy?!?!

I saw this on Brunch with Amber, thought it was cute, so decided to do it and link up!

I've always thought I was a bit OCD/OCPD'ish' seeing how I get stressed out about small things. But after reading other blogs, I'm learning that I'm not alone!

1. In the shower, I MUST have all the bottles facing to the left, or if they are round, facing forward. Does this make me crazy?!

2. When doing my laundry, I ALWAYS do it in the same order: darks, delicates, whites, towels. Does this make me crazy?!

3. In my pen/pencil cups, all of the pens/markers must be pointed down. I use the logic that if all the ink is being 'pushed' down to the writing tip, it won't dry out as quickly. Does this make me crazy?!

4. All of my apps/ grouped apps are in alphabetical order on my iPhone. Does this make me crazy?!

5. I only use blue pens when doing paperwork at work. I'll use black pens, rarely, for notes or to address cards, but when filling out forms, I ONLY use blue. I'm pretty sure I picked up that habit from a friend who worked at an attorney's office and told me that they use blue pens only to be able to distinguish between originals and copies. Does this make me crazy?!

6. My son has curly hair, and they're cute curls. I can't stand them and CUT THEM OFF! Does this make me crazy?!

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person in the world who stresses over these minor things. :)