Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Mother

I just want to say Happy Birthday to my wonderful saint of a mother. (Even though she doesn't read this.) To me and my sister, she is exactly what a mother is supposed to be.

They say when you walk into some one's home, the first thing you see is what they care about the most. It's so true with my mother. Open the front door to her home and you are faced with a wall of pictures of her children, grandchildren, and, yes, her dogs!

My mother has made so many sacrifices for our family, often putting our wants before her needs. I know my sister and I took it for granted as children, but as mothers ourselves now, we can only aspire to be that selfless and giving.

As hokey as it sounds, my mother is both my sister's and my best friend. She is always in our corner, always there to give whatever she can. But don't worry, she knows us both too well and is quick to put us in our place.

As I have grown up, I have gotten to see how other women parent and hold them to my mother's standard. Often, they fall flat.

My mother is an inspiration to me and my sister and we both know there is no way we could ever fill her shoes (technically we can, we both wear a larger size than her.) and no way to every show her how much we appreciate all that she had done for us.


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