Monday, October 29, 2012

5 for Five

Happy Monday Morning!!!
So, it's Monday and time for my second week of 5 for Five. I'm not even going to go into what an epic fail last week was...

1. Walk at least 3x's this week. My sister wants to sign up for our local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, so I need to get my booty in shape!
2. Send out Thank You cards for my son's birthday party, which was October 1st. I'm usually really good about sending Thank You cards, but this time, not so much!
3. Put away ALL my clean laundry. I'm terrible about putting away laundry. I usually just fold it and keep it in the basket, or leave it hung up in the laundry area.
4. Rearrange my bedroom. My poor headboard has collecting dust in my garage for the past 8 months.
5. Organize my Pinterest boards. It totally bugs me that I have so many 'likes' and not nearly as many 'pins.'

So I'm just going to copy my goals from last week and hope they stick this week.

1. Walk at least 3x's this week. I mean it this time. No excuses... the weather is perfect! At least I know I'll get some walking in Wednesday night.

2. Send out Thank You cards for my son's birthday party, which was October 1st. I might just have to resolve to thank you e-mails.

3. Put away ALL my clean laundry. I almost accomplished this.... Almost.

4. Rearrange my bedroom. My poor headboard has collecting dust in my garage for the past 8 months.

5. Organize my Pinterest boards. It totally bugs me that I have so many 'likes' and not nearly as many 'pins.'
Hope you guys have a great week! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hey girl! Thanks for linking up again! It's okay to have an off week- it happens to us all! The best part is that you can start over and make it happen this week! Good luck! I'm rooting for you :)

  2. Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for a blog award !

  3. Don't sweat it - I'm on my way to an epic fail this week, haha. Hopefully you have better luck the second time around! Thanks for linking up!!
