Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Monday & 5 for Five

It's hard to believe it's already Monday. Where did my weekend go? It was nice, however for it to stay lighter a bit longer yesterday.

It's been a long time since I've posted one of these link ups with Jessica @ Fantastically Average, so I don't have my successes from last week to post. So here are my five for the upcoming week:

1. Take a multi-vitamin and biotin everyday. I'm trying to grow my hair out and both my hairdresser and eyebrow-waxer told me on Saturday to be sure I am taking them RELIGIOUSLY!

2. Drink more water. This goes hand in hand with my first goal for the week. It's necessary to drink plenty of water to allow the vitamins to be absorbed by your body. And my hair dresser told me that taking vitamins without drinking plenty of water can cause break-outs. Yikes!

3. Make a real dinner at least 3 times this week. Normally it's just me and my 2 year old son eating dinner together, so it's very tempting after a long day at work to throw some chicken nuggets in the microwave and call that dinner. But I want us to eat better and healthier.

4. Get up earlier. This will actually assist in helping me with a lot more! By getting my butt out of bed earlier, I'll have more time to not feel so rushed in the morning. I tend to be very short with my angel in the morning when I'm rushed and I know that's not fair to him.

5. Follow the cleaning chart on the fridge. I copied an idea from another blog and that was to put a laminated chart on the fridge, listing all the things I need to do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Should keep me more organized, but it won't unless I follow it!

Hopefully next Monday I can report back and say that I was successful. I've had a lot of struggles lately feeling like my world is spiraling out of control, mostly because I allow other people to make me feel this way. So the best way to start feeling like I can reign back in control is to start small, get control of something that no one else can have an effect on, like taking a vitamin.

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